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Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Bathpan and water management for raptors

That raptors require little water is a big lie in old falconry texts  My raptors enjoy a fresh clean bath pan and jump right in it when offered.  The Harris hawks especially love to bathe between shows.  I also offer them water during flights on the T post. I put a short cup held with velcro (4 inches) high on the T post and the willingly come in and take a drink during hot flying sessions.  Especially on abatement work where they need to be up in nearly all day long.

Now to bath pans.  I keep a special cheap, 'swishy' broom for cleaning the gunk out of the pans.  Once a week or so I bleach them (not to often, for bleach makes plastics brittle).  Just enough to break the 'slime'.  Hydrogen peroxide is gentler for this too.

We have 'limey' water so I get lime build up in the pans.  So I took time to really clean them today:
I mean REALLY clean my bath pans. Had some lime/scuz buildup that scrubbing would not remove. So, out came the Lysol Toilet Bowl cleaner that removes lime and rust. Let it set for a few minutes, then swished with the broom and let it sit again (7 large bath pans here). One was extra stubborn and required a scouring with a stainless scrubber to get that stuck on lime out. But now they all new fresh and new after this. I have heavy duty bath pans at home that are from Lowes. They are the round 'goldfish pool' ones. Lightweight with rim but very durable in the intense Florida sun. 

Shop maccourt 9-gallon black high density polyethylene pond liner in the pond liners section of Lowes.com.

1 comment:

  1. For easy and affordable water management you can use Geomembrane Sheet. Apart of construction of using building material.
